kaagan cooperative learning activities


Kagan Cooperative Strategies are strategies designed  to promote cooperation and communication in the classroom, boosts students confidence and retain their interest in the classroom interaction.

Small teams of students work together towards a learning goal. They may also be working with partners of the whole class.  Each member of the team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also helping teammates learn,thus creating an atmosphere of achievement.

I conducted the following Kagan coorperative strategies during my internship period at
Sarvodaya Educational Society High School, Curchorem-Goa.

Riddle game

It is a word puzzle in which one player asks a confusing question, and other player has to figure out its meaning or which word it is. In the school I have done this activity for VIIIth standard students. I have divided the class into 4 groups having 7-8 members in it and from each group one member I have given riddle and told to read it. And other member has to guess what word it is. For  solving this riddle requires you to think hard about the words involved and this strengthens the parts of the brain that deal with language or subject like science. 

Act it out

 In this a single person would act out each syllable of a word or phrase in order, followed by the whole phrase together, while the rest of the group guessed. This activity was conducted for VIIth standard students.
Think and draw

 Visual learning is very important for many children to better picture and to understand concepts. For students, drawing makes their learning easier, more efficient and more fun. Drawing help kids visualize their learning. Students are divided into groups one member from each group has to give a scientific concept which the student from other members have to guess the concept.

Picture game

 Visual learning is very important for many children to better picture and to understand concepts. I used this game to revise concept such as kinetic and potential energy. Different picture were given in page in which different situation were given student have to guess whether it is kinetic or potential energy. It was done in groups of 5-6 member.

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