Block teaching is an important component of becoming a teacher. It grants student teachers experience in the actual teaching and learning environment.
I did my block teaching in Sarvodaya Educational Society high School, Savordem-Goa for about 20 days from 26th November 2018 to 19th December 2018. It was a great experience.
1. Transportation of water and minerals in plants.( ICT LESSON )
Topic: transportation of water and minerals in plants.
Class: VII
Use of technology to teach abstract topics is highly beneficial to the students. As guided by my mentor the class was divided into groups each groupconsist of 5 members. On each computer lesson was uploaded. Students had to go through it. Worksheet were also provided in between the lesson so as to understand what they have understood.
Topic : Light
Class: VIII
The lab lesson is designed to help students to get hands on experience and inculcate in them the idea of learning by doing. The lesson is introduced by doing to experiment 1st to study the first law of reflection and then 2nd experiment to study second law of reflection.
3. Properties of materials
The below lesson is of Sorting materials into groups of 6th standard and i dealt with the sub-topic Properties of materials. In this method the teacher motivates students to think on their own and solve the problems. The worksheets used.
Thanks for such a wonderful idea..